FDTD++ wiki

From FDTD++ wiki
Revision as of 21:11, 21 August 2014 by Jeffrey M. McMahon (Talk | contribs)

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Welcome to the FDTD++ wiki, the instruction manual FDTD++, finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) software in C++.

The FDTD++ wiki is organized into sections below, and presented in the order that someone new to FDTD and/or FDTD++ should visit. Note that the material models and the materials database are provided on an external website, since they are not specific to FDTD++.

For discussions of FDTD++ (support, suggestions, etc.), as well as the FDTD method itself, visit the discussion forums.

If there are any features that you wish to see in future versions of FDTD++, please report them also to the discussion forums.


  1. Introduction
  2. Preliminaries
    1. Requirements
    2. Obtaining
    3. Compiling
      1. Precompiled binaries
      2. Compilation options
      3. Compiling on Unix-like
        1. The makefile
      4. Compiling on Windows
  3. Defining a simulation
    1. Geometric modeling
      1. Computer-aided design/mesh import
        1. Geometries file
      2. Geometries subroutine
    2. The computational domain
      1. Exterior computational domain
      2. Interior computational domain
      3. Boundary conditions
        1. Absorbing boundary condition
        2. Periodic boundary condition
        3. Conducting boundary condition
      4. Computational domain discretization
    3. Materials
      1. Material models
        1. Dielectric material
        2. Conductor
        3. Perfect electric conductor
        4. Drude model
        5. Hydrodynamic Drude model
        6. Lorentz oscillator model
        7. Critical points model
        8. Debye model
        9. Combined models
          1. Drude-Lorentz model
          2. Drude-critical points model
      2. The materials file
    4. Sources
      1. Incident fields
        1. Types of incident fields
          1. Pulses
          2. Chirps
          3. User-defined
        2. Injection into the computational domain
      2. Current sources
    5. Simulation parameters
      1. Simulation-independent parameters
      2. Simulation-dependent parameters
      3. The parameters file
  4. Running
    1. Running in serial
    2. Running in parallel
  5. Output
  6. Tutorials
    1. FDTD++ tutorials
      1. Scattering by a dielectric sphere
      2. Scattering by a metallic sphere
      3. Converging the grid spacing
      4. Converging the simulation time
      5. Scattering by an array of metallic spheres
    2. Computer-aided design tutorials
      1. Introduction to SALOME
      2. Creating a sphere with SALOME
      3. Creating a sphere dimer with SALOME
    3. Visualization tutorials
      1. Introduction to VisIt
      2. Visualizing the electromagnetic fields with VisIt